
Amy L. Hertz, MD

For the past 30 years I have practiced Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN.  It has been a very hectic, stressful and rewarding career. With my 3 kids grown and out of the house, I needed something else to take my mind off of work. I have dabbled in different crafts throughout my life (counted cross stitch, some hand building pottery) and at the end of 2017 I took a 2 hour wheel throwing class.  That class changed my life and I was hooked.  I have found a way to leave the emergency department yet still give back.   A portion of the proceeds from every heart mug I sell is donated to the Meri Armour Endowment Fund of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.  A portion of every hamsa mug I sell is donated to the Chesed Fund at Beth Sholom Synagogue.  And a portion of every twins mug is donated to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital by way of the Forrest Spence Fund. I hope you find as much joy in your piece as I have found in creating it.